Winner of the inaugural 2022 Wainwright Prize for Children’s Nature Writing

There are nearly eight billion people on Planet Earth.
That’s 8,000,000,000 bodies breathing, eating, scratching their armpits and consuming resources, and 8,000,000,000 brains thinking, feeling, falling in love and pondering the universe. All at the same time.
It’s an unimaginable number. Or is it?
Meet the mega human.
All the people in the world smooshed into one spectacular, 3km-tall giant. It’s humankind as we’ve never seen ourselves before.
Exciting experiment, this way
Discover the true scale of our ginormous species.
Find out how we measure up to other creatures.
Gain a sixth sense for the scale of our activities.
Be part of a collective awakening as the mega human realises what a huge mess we’ve got to clean up.
Giant questions for the authors
Want to know about smoosh theory or how The Biggest Footprint was created?